DWI is a serious crime. If you have been charged with a DWI or related offense you need to speak with a qualified, experienced attorney immediately.
I will be able to assess your case, along with your criminal history (if any) and tell you what you can expect at every step of the way. I can assist you in defending your driving privileges at DMV Hearings and provide representation to underage DWI offenders. If your charged with DWI you need someone on YOUR side. Consultations are free. Call me 315-474-5533
Traffic Tickets:
A “simple” traffic ticket can become very expensive incuding fines, court costs, and increases in your insurance rates due to points on your license. Some tickets can even cause you to have a criminal record. Let me help you. I will negotiate with the District Attorney’s office on your behalf to obtain the best possible outcome in your case including a reduction or in some cases a dismissal of the charges resulting in lower fines, and less points on your license. Don’t deal with your traffic charges alone, you need someone on YOUR side.
Call me 315-474-5533
Serving New York in Onondaga, Oswego, Madison, and Cayuga Counties.